Jun 08

Hey Ali Fedotowsky, here is some fertility advice for you!
(From my blog at !)

The television reality show,  , is back! Here comes hair-blowing-in-the-wind, girl-next-door, Ali Fedotowsky, who is looking for love and marriage amongst 25 eligible bachelors. She will go on extravagant dates and fall madly in love with most bachelors, before making her final choice in that nail-biting, oh-so-dramatic final rose ceremony. In the first episode, we see Bachelorette Ali talking to her potential suitors, telling them she wants marriage, pregnancy and lots of babies. We can pretty much guess that Ali and her boys are definitely not thinking about Infertility during their first meeting. But infertility can be a huge issue in a relationship. Just ask previous Bachelorette, Trista Stutter, who struggled with infertility issues with her bachelor husband, Ryan. Luckily, they now have two little children but I bet she never talked about infertility during her hot air balloon dates!

Ali, not to put a damper on your baby hopes and dreams but here’s what you should probably inquire about when meeting your men . . .

1. Do you love hot tubs? (Sorry dudes, ). Maybe the Bachelors could have their steamy love scenes in a luke warm pool instead.

2. Have you been injured in the groin area or had a vasectomy?3) How do you feel about fertility treatments and are you willing to give me a ?

3. Say goodbye to any guy who smokes or drinks excessively during your dates.

4. Instead of roses, you should hand out of bottles of multivitamins or Vitamin C instead. Maybe some zinc.

5. Do you like to cycle? Excessive biking creates a higher chance of male infertility.

6. Do you have children already and how long did it take you to conceive? If he already has a kid, give him a rose.

7. Are you willing to start on our wedding night?

ABC should probably consider changing the name of the show to, “The Bachelorette, Fertility Factor.”  From my post on

13 Responses to “#749 Advice for The Bachelorette: Check his count before handing out a rose”

  1. says:

    LOL. Not a bad idea…

  2. the misfit says:


  3. Allie says:

    this is awesome

  4. Bella says:

    Chris Harrison- you should tell Ali this advice!!!! Here is a cup, 50 million? Yup, you get a rose.

  5. TTC Girl says:

    Your posts at are so great. Love your writing Infertile Naomi!!!!

  6. sammy says:

    so very funny.

  7. Busted Kate says:

    I love the Bachelor/Bachelorette shows. It’s fluff, but I love it. Funny part is, I always think that every time one of them gets into a hot tub! “Uh oh, gonna lower his sperm count.”

  8. Anonymous says:

    The title only had me cracking up.

    “Are you willing to give me a needle in the back?” Too funny.

  9. Lex says:

    Sounds good – would it be too much to ask for the lab to come to the set and have them all produce a cup in the bathroom?
    I love love love this list!

  10. says:

    LOL! So funny.

  11. 21reena says:

    should totally be part of the application process!

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