Jun 27

Why spend money on pregnancy tests anymore when you can just fill out this online pregnancy test called “. Finally, an online pregnancy test so intelligent that it doesn’t need urine or a blood test to determine if you’re expecting.

The questions from this read:

  1. When was the day of your last period? June 11 at 8:52am exactly.
  2. Did you recently have unprotected sex? Absolutely. Several times actually.
  3. What method of contraceptive did you use? Does putting pillows under my behind a form of birth control?
  4. Did you recently use an emergency contraceptive such as the morning after pill? I took a fertility vaginal suppository. Does that count?
  5. Is your period late? Yes. But sometimes I have to take fertility drugs to bring on my next period.
  6. Have you taken a home urine test? Yes. Over 150,000.
  7. Please select all the pregnancy symptoms that apply to you. All of the above.

The chance of pregnancy is HIGH. Great. Good to know. I’ll just cancel my latest IVF cycle then. “Fertility doctor, I need my money back!”

Thank goodness for their disclaimer “This quiz should never be used to replace a urine or blood pregnancy test.” The only thing better than this online pregnancy test is if you could urinate directly onto your computer screen.

(Check out my with Desperate Housewives actress and fertility adovcate, Brenda Strong!)

16 Responses to “#743 Finally, an Online Pregnancy Test”

  1. Rebecca says:

    OMG. I sure wish that I were still that naive.

  2. [...] #743 Finally, an Online Pregnancy Test. [...]

  3. says:

    Wow, awesome tool! Alert First Response that sales will be down now.

  4. Megan says:

    Sweet naivete. It’s laughable now.

  5. Pregnancy test has never been this easy, all you do is to fill out the form and you get the answer. At first i was thinking its all a scam until a friend told me that she actually dis and got result immediately. So am here to see if it really do work, and behold it surely did work.

  6. says:


  7. Nicole says:

    Seriously, ROTF LMAO!! So very true!!

  8. [...] for some humor about this TTC journey: did you hear they have an only early pregnancy test? LOL. This was too funny not to post. Enjoy. blog comments powered by Disqus var disqus_url = [...]

  9. Sara Reed says:

    Hi Reasons,
    Share this contest with your readers.
    Send us your funniest pregnancy story!
    In 200 words or less tell us about a funny story that happened to a pregnant you, friend, or loved one for the chance to win free cord blood banking or $1000 cash!
    Entries are accepted till Monday October 25, 2010 at 12pm EST.
    The entry form is here:
    Keep up the good work.
    Sara Reed

  10. [...] #743 Finally, an Online Pregnancy Test [...]

  11. says:

    LMAO!!! That’s great :)

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  14. jellybean says:

    Is it horrible that in the beginning of TTC I actually took one of these tests, got a positive and then cried profusely when AF came around? I really hope not…..

  15. Kids Helmets says:

    Wow how time flys when your searching the net.. Been after info on just this topic. Thanks to you and google i now have it.

  16. Marta says:

    Hi Jellybean, sorry I’m a bit late in coming back to this post. Please forgive me if I wasn’t reading correctly, but it sounds like what you went through was a chemical pregnancy? You have every right to cry, scream, rage, feel angry at what happened. It’s a loss, the loss of your child, and the loss of the dreams and the hopes you have. You loved your baby with all your heart, and you always will. You’re a mom and no one will ever, ever take that away from you. What you described has now happened to me 3 effin times (most recently was Father’s Day weekend, of all days!). I’ve gotten positive on home urine HPT’s, and hosptial blood tests and hospital urine HPT’s. Faint lines, but postives nonetheless. Then AF came, sometimes 3 days later, sometimes 2 weeks later. I never speak about my chemical pregnancies except on this site, because I think that nobody will understand how I grieve for my babies, or that I see them as my babies. Not even DH.

    Oh, and to top it off? I heard the “rumor” the other day that DH’s ex GF (mom of his daughter) may be pregnant again. When he told me the news and I started crying, he couldn’t figure out why. .

    Take care, and I’m thinking on you and your angel baby. Lots and lots of hugs and love to you.
