Mar 31

True Story.

An ice cream shop in London, England is now serving Breast Milk Ice Cream. Reason to laugh at infertility #674 is from my new post at .

I apologize in advance if it turns anyone off ice cream.

4 Responses to “#674 Pickles and (Breast Milk) Ice Cream”

  1. Preggy Project says:

    I’m curious, what did those lactating moms get in return for donating their precious breast milk???

  2. Anonymous says:

    heard of this before…just gross!! what will they think of next? anything to make a buck.

  3. says:

    That’s just wrong. Just plain (vanilla) wrong!

  4. Alexandra's mum says:

    Yep…I heard about that. Honestly, I never did get the courage up to taste my own breast milk so I’m pretty sure this would definitely be out for me. It’s kind of creepy really….
