May 31

The ‘pregnancy plan‘ – we all know how that worked out!

You might not have baby #1 yet but you already know your pregnancy plan for baby #2. You plan to try for your second baby as soon as you pop out your first! Maybe even when your first is 4 weeks old, if possible. Your husband disagrees. He may want to wait a few months before trying for a second but you are taking no chances this time – you will try to expand your (imaginary) family as soon as possible. You might not even have told him your plan yet. Why get him nervous now?

We all had a pregnancy plan that has since gone astray – your initial pregnancy plan was: married for 2 years, start trying for a baby before you hit 30, quit your job after maternity leave and maybe start for baby #2 or #3. This pregnancy plan obviously did not work out as planned which is why you feel the pressure to start baby #2 before baby #1 is even here.

No doubt, we just love hearing our friends or co-workers ‘pregnancy plans.’ A friend is waiting until the summer to try to conceive because she doesn’t want to be pregnant for her sister’s upcoming wedding. Another is starting to try this spring so she and her best friend can be pregnant at the same time. You roll your eyes (secretly) every time someone tells you their ‘pregnancy plan.’ You may try to point out that sometimes things don’t go as planned but they cannot understand. It’s true. You did not understand way back when you announced your ‘pregnancy plan,’ probably to someone who secretly rolled their eyes as well.

Next time someone tells you their ‘pregnancy plan,’ tell them the truth: if you get pregnant within 6 months, you are incredibly lucky. Otherwise, just crush their dreams early on and give them a membership to our infertility club.

6 Responses to “#977 Your pregnancy plan for baby #2 is already planned out”

  1. jill says:

    you are such an incredible writer! but i do hate that you have such first-hand knowledge of your subject. we're praying for you every night!

  2. infertileNaomi says:

    Thanks Jill. The baby that was meant to be for all of us will come when the time is right. Keep believing ladies!

  3. Shannon says:

    haha this is so true! lol

  4. Jenny H. says:

    haha…so glad to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. The part that really sucks is most of this women have made their plan and actually succeed in making it come true and then look at you with guilt when they announce they're pregnant :(

  5. Rach says:

    At my last job a co-worker wanted to plan her pregnancy so she would have her baby after April 15th (tax accountants). Sure enough her due date was May 15th. GRRRR! And she loved to announce it just worked out on their first try.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Oh god! This is exactly what I have been thinking for ages, planning for baby 2 when no sign of baby 1. Had decided to take a maternity break from work way before 4 of my collegues got pregnant, delivered and even celebrated their kids' b'days!!! You have captured every thought of an infertile woman on your blog! –
