Oct 28

Your house is a bloody mess.

Since you started your fertility treatments, who has time to go to work, make dinner and clean your house? Infertility takes up so much of your time, you hardly have enough time to go out with friends, let alone clean your home.

You have been meaning to clean your toilet for the past two months, your floor has bugs on it and your bedroom could use a good vacuuming.Hey, look at that piece of garbage on your floor! Is that leftover Chinese takeout in your fridge? Didn’t you order Chinese 8 months ago? Is that a puddle on the floor? Nope, just urine leaking from your dirty toilet. Look at your beautiful fluffy sweater laying on the ground. Oh wait, that’s not a sweater, that’s a rat. Your house is a mess and the last thing you want to do is clean it. The solution is have your man clean everything, get a housekeeper or let the mice lick your floors clean.

Fertility clinics should really include a house keeping service along with their treatments. For only $600, you get an IUI and a house keeper. Good deal.

photo: here

9 Responses to “#866 You are too tired to clean your house”

  1. Goodyear Family says:

    I am scared by how close to truth this is….

  2. Shanny says:

    I would love house cleaning services along with fertility treatments… I could use some good vacuuming right about now!

  3. wifey says:

    Seriously. It's like you're spying on me. (You aren't, are you?)

  4. Rebecca says:

    OMG. Seriously. You've been in my house, right?

  5. Dani says:

    I love the pic.

  6. Anonymous says:

    For me it's the opposite. The only thing I have time for IS cleaning my house — never mind my dissertation or socializing, or whatever else people do who have lives. Yup. Infertility stuff and house cleaning is my life.

  7. Cherish says:

    A personal trainer, too! My great exercise habits have been ruined by IF. Either I'm too busy crying over AF to work out, or I'm spending my exercise time googling symptoms in the 2WW.

  8. Ashley says:

    That's a great idea!!!

  9. Aussie Girl says:

    So true! I'm "cleaning" my house today, which means walking between the computer and the fridge and tut-tutting at the mess in between. Aaah, there's always tomorrow!
